Rabu, 25 April 2018

BLACKFOL.IO - The next social, cross trading platform and performance tool augmented by A.I.


What will BLACKFOL.IO bring to the crypto industry?

1. Cross Exchange Trading 

  • Find the best trading market pairs 
  • Place sell & buy orders 
  • Multiple exchanges available 

2. Social dimension and Mirror Trading 
  • Share profile (Public/Private) 
  • Bid to mirror trade a selected user on a chosen trading pair 
  • Follow traders and their strategies 
Hype is a real factor on crypto investment. Traders need to be able to share analyses, strategies and hypothesis. In this matter, we created a market place where users can sell limited number contracts we call "slots".
Slots are won by the highest bidder (other users). 95% of the contract value is due to the user and the 5% goes to the ecosystem (learn more section 4.5). 

 3. Monitoring Assistance
  • Get updates on any news regarding specific cryptos and markets 
  • Access instant cryptocurrency speculation from social medias like Facebook or Twitter 
Artificial Intelligence offers big opportunities to crypto market. We aim to get the bests results by modeling user's behaviours, market datas and social network.
Our A.I pane gives you relevant informations regarding your strategy, in case you plan to buy or sell on a specific market pair for example.
For this to come up, BlackFol.io is using IBM artificial intelligence named Watson as we use Machine Learning.

4. Connected portfolio and transactions monitoring 
  • Simplified viewing over your investments and your last transactions 
Our combined asset's transaction list gives an understandable view of where, when and what you invested in.
The cryptocurrency market has a complex profit & loss calculation due to the multiple pairing. 

5. Privacy & security  

  • We will not ask for your own wallets private keys (only OAuth API pairing) 
  • We don't monetize any personal information 
  • You choose your privacy settings Security is important to us as we are raising 
  • BlackFol.io to meet the best standards 
Social media : it’s time to connect !
        We believe that sharing experience and knowledge is a great way to learn and evolve. On the final phase of BlackFol.io we want you to be able to choose to share your profile, your performance and your portfolio's distribution with other traders. Doing so will allow you to follow all sorts of profiles and strategies, put them in comparison with your own. You might find some helpful tips to grow your profits. Of course it is optional and you don’t have to share your informations with the community if you don’t want to. It’s completely up to you !

BLACK Tokens 
The launch of BLACK tokens will make possible the continual improvement of the BLACKFOL.IO core and will be used as a mean of payment within a monthly based subscription.

Supply and Token sales  

Referral Program
The referral program starts on the third day after ICO starts and gives the referer + 10 % bonus BLACK. Referral tokens will be generated at the end of the ICO. 

Fund allocation

  • As a fintech business software, we concentrate most of our expenses on our development team. Our fees are strictly managed to perform the most awesome product. 
  • Partnerships are also important as we negotiate with the biggest blockchain companies. 
Monthly subscription
 Starting on Q4 2018 at public release.
The monthly subscription will be scalable and is being constantly reviewed reguarding to the BLACK value. We will valorize BLACK at 0.1 $ for the subscription.

Black market contract Ecosystem 
Mirror trading earnings 
Regarding your profile, your experience on Blackfol.io and your performance, you will be able to sell slot contracts on market trading pairs to other users and get paid in Black tokens on a monthly basis.
  • The number of slots is limited regarding trader seniority and performances (which is defined by the ecosystem and increasing every month) 
  • Set a minimum price and launch a 48 hour auction to attract interested users (1 slot = 1 copy trader) 
  • Contracts are limited to 30 days 
  • Earn 95% of the earnings, 5% goes to the blackfol.io to maintain the eco-system.  
Copy traders expanses
By winning a bid on a slot from other traders, you will be able to manually/automatically follow their strategies on specific cryptos market pair regarding your wallet. You will be alerted when a trader has available slots contract and you will be allowed to bid to obtain the contract. Only accepted bids is withdrawing BLACK from your account.

Fixed ETH price
To prevent market volatility, we want to secure investors by fixing the ETH price to $800 per ETH. This is meanning that investors gets more invest power. You get more BLACK for the same amount of ETH. If prices goes over $800 value, the new value will be taken to calculate the amount of BLACK tokens you will get.

1 ETH = $800 = 20 000 BLACK 

Legals & KYC 
Blackfol.io is currently hosted by S.G.N.C Limited society which is based in NewCaledonia under the business number : RCS 1 279 041 - 001. 
KYC during ICO are here to protect investors as we might be asking for a valid I.D due to specific country laws. 
U.S & Chinese citizens are not allowed to participate in this Initial Coin Offering.

Exchange Listing applying to
We are making our best efforts to be listed on the following exchanges after the ICO.



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