Rabu, 16 Mei 2018




The proliferation of portable cameras and video editing software today has created new opportunities for both aspiring and established filmmakers. It is now possible to film an entire movie using only GoPro or an iPhone. However, this ease of production for filming, as well as reduction in costs, does not address the continuing need for a direct connection between independent filmmakers and their audiences. 

Currently, most of a film’s budget and revenues go to distribution and marketing third-parties instead of directly to filmmakers. While many filmmakers today turn to crowdfunding to secure funding, and in spite of the availability of crowdfunding platforms, thousands of small companies that produce independent films are still not able to monetize their creativity. This lack of funding leads to many talented filmmakers and screenwriters turning to exhibition venues, such as YouTube and other video blog platforms, for revenue.



Currently, global box office growth rates are gradually slowing down. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) reveals that over the past five years, the volume of global box office revenues is growing at an average rate of only 1.5% per year, with 60-70% coming from international distribution (Figure 1). This decrease in film revenues can be explained by several factors, such as growing economic problems in particular regions, the informatization of society through more widespread Internet use, the growth in sales of mobile devices, and the global spread of Internet piracy, as well as changes in media consumption habits due to generational shifts in both developed and developing countries.

According to IHS Markit, around 164,000 movie theaters are in operation in the world, an increase of 8% from 2015. More than 90% of these theaters are digital. The leader in terms of growth in number of theater screens is in the Asia-Pacific region, which has increased 18% since 2015 (Figure 2).

IHS Markit data further shows that, in 2016, the number of premium format cinemas also increased by 11%. This growth in the number of premium format movie theaters demonstrates that viewers want to watch films in comfort, as well as watch films chosen by the individual viewer. And nothing can compare to the comfort of home, the ease of purchase, and the selection of films that online movies offer. All of these factors combined indicate a strong future for online movies.

As audiences decline at traditional movie theaters, the Bureau of Economic Analysis indicates that the online video entertainment industry is one of the leaders of economic growth (Figure 3). Online video streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and Fandor are fundamentally changing the film industry. MoviesChain by TVzavr’s project for online independent films distribution is therefore directly targeting one of the fastest-growing markets for further growth based on long-term trends in the global economy.


The countries with major film production can be sorted into four key groups, according to the number of films that are annually produced: 

1. Group A (500 films a year): This category is composed of the global leaders in the film industry — the United States (U.S.), China, India, and Japan. Note that the largest faction represented is composed of Asian countries. However, the U.S. film industry is the largest in the world, both in terms of the number of films produced and the volume of box office returns. The Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that the share of the U.S. film industry, including television, accounts for 3.2% of the country’s GDP. In comparison, the share of engineering and agriculture industries are only 1.2 and 1.3%, respectively. Moreover, U.S.

The world’s biggest motion picture companies are also all located in the U.S.: Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures, Walt Disney Company, Columbia Pictures, and Universal Pictures. These major studios actively invest in film industries in other countries, with the goal of increasing revenue and overall strengthening their international positions. It is worth noting that U.S. filmmakers are increasingly choosing to make films in Scandinavian and Asian countries as well as Canada. The main reasons for this are tax breaks, compensation payments, and grants from local support funds.




ZVR will be launched on the Ethereum blockchain as ERC tokens. 

After a certain number of tokens have been sold, the cost of tokens will gradually increase over time. The ZVR Token sale will take place from 2018 Q2 to 2018 Q3. The exact date of token sale to be announced. The softcap will be $5 million, and the hardcap will be $30 million. Acceptable cryptocurrencies that can be used during the process of Token sale are: ETH and BTC. The price for tokens will be determined when the Token sale launches. All unsold tokens will be burned. In the case that the revenue from the Token sale is less than $5 million, then all collected funds will be returned to the original owners.


100 million tokens will be issued:
  • 70% will be distributed during the initial sale 
  • 5% will remain in the reserve fund in the case it is not possible to purchase tokens on the secondary market for the reward program 
  • 2% will be set aside for the bounty campaign 
  • 23% will be transferred to the initial investment team 
All allocations will be changed proportionally, keeping the same percentage of allocation for initial sale, reserve fund, bounty campaign and allocation to the team, if less than 70 million tokens are sold during the initial sale.

Distribution of funds received from the original token release:
  • Marketing-50% 
  • IT Development-20% 
  • Operating Expenses-20% 
  • Legal Support-5% 
  • Board of Directors and Advisory Board-5%  
After the Token sale, the tokens will be cross-listed on cryptocurrency exchanges, potentially Bittrex, Poloniex, Kraken, and others.


WIBESITE : https://www.movieschain.io/
WHITEPAPER : https://www.movieschain.io/whitepaper/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/movies_chain/
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/movieschain
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/movieschain


Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

Databroker dao - Global market for local data.

Global market

for local data

DataBroker DAO is the first marketplace to sell & buy sensor data. As a decentralized marketplace for IoT sensor data using Blockchain technology, Databroker DAO enables sensor owners to turn generated data into revenue streams. This will open up a wealth of opportunities for various industries. Data will be used and become more effective.
ABSTRACTThis paper introduces DataBroker DAO, a peer to peer marketplace created to provide IoT sensor owners with a clear path to data monetization and data consumers with a decentralized market to buy IoT sensor data.
With DataBroker DAO, we aspire to unleash long-tail creativity with the use of sensor data to facilitate the conversion of incredible ideas into value adding services. 
By providing a distributed foundational layer for the buying and selling of IoT sensor data, we expect that unimagined uses of data that exist in the hearts and minds of entrepreneurs, researchers and organisations around the world, will emerge to create incredible value adding services that enrich the quality of life in our cities and our societies as a whole.

“The intersection of IoT and blockchain is enormously promising. For sensor- owning organizations, the ability to use an immutable ledger to store data, ensure its integrity, and provide a clear path to data monetization, is a stellar example of the promise of blockchain. The value of the IoT sensor market is greater than USD 600 billion per year, and is expected to double in the next three years, simply for primary usage of the data by the sensor owner! The magnitude and potential value of a marketplace for data-hungry third parties is staggering. I believe that what online retailers like Overstock.com have done for making physical goods accessible online, DataBroker DAO will do for sensor data.”

Databroker DAO in under a minute

Today companies make use of sensor data to optimize and monitor their operations. The result is a single purpose data landscape. DataBroker DAO drives the evolution towards truly ‘smart living’ by making this data easily accessible to cities, organizations and entrepreneurs at an affordable price. Check out our video to learn more.

The Challenge

The challenge
Individuals, companies, researchers & governments are spending hundreds of billions each year on buying and maintaining IoT sensors.The growth of the investment and applications in IoT is truly staggering, and yet, all data captured by these devices is locked up in silos and walled gardens.
On its path from sensor to silo, all this data flows over gateway operators like telecom companies, networks and even the control panels of the sensor manufacturers.
These sensor owners usually have a two year business case for their placement and the data they generate.The primary marketfor these sensors is expected to reach 1.2 trillion USD in 2019, and estimating that at least 10% of the data generated is sought for others(1-3 times), the value of data locked away will reach 120 billion next year!

The Solution


The challenge
Using a smart contract based marketplace on the Ethereum network, it becomes possible to unlock this value. Via their gateway operator, the sensor owners place the data generated by their sensors up for sale (while staking some of their DTX tokens), and buyers can discover and purchase access to the data using that same DTX token.
The gateway operator will run their own Ethereum mainnet blockchain node and run the open-source DataBrokerDAO dAPI (distributed API) on top. Data generated by the sensors of their clients is sent (within the same datacenter) to their dAPI which check who has purchased access and send the data directly on to the location specified by the buyer on purchasing.

The challenge

Since the gateway operator is already set up to deal with the data its clients generate, routing purchased data streams to a location on the internet is a straightforward extension.
For doing so, the gateway operator is awarded 10% of each transaction in DTX tokens. The platform also earns 10% and, most importantly, the lion share goes to the sensor owner receiving 80% of the proceeds.

The challenge

To move from a local to a global marketplace, theDataBroker DAO implementation is replicated with a multitude of gateway operators around the world.
This grants access to a global market for data. Anyone in the world will be able to buy any available data anywhere, making it truly, “a global market for local data”.

DataBrokerDAO · Global market for local data

How can you be sure of the sensor & data quality on the DataBroker DAO marketplace?

Discover here how DataBroker DAO guarantees the quality of data sold on the marketplace, a decentralized market for IoT sensor data.


The DataBroker DAO Alliance

Building a platform and business like DataBroker DAO requires real sellers and buyers of IoT sensor data. Over the past couple of months we have been hard at work integrating these parties into an alliance. Today we are proud to announce the below members have joined the DataBroker DAO alliance. And more to come!
"We are happy to cross paths with SettleMint and to engage with blockchain technology over DataBroker DAO. The integration was smooth and successful due to technical excellence. In a next step on our roadmap we intend to include a DataBrokerDAO “sell my data” option into our portfolio, as we realise this is a new monetisation opportunity for both sensor owners, data consumers and vendors", said mr. Rajeev Jha - CEO of Yuktix


WIBESITE : https://databrokerdao.com/?ref=btctalk
WHITEPAPER : https://databrokerdao.com/whitepaper/WHITEPAPER_DataBrokerDAO_en.pdf

TWITTER     : https://twitter.com/databrokerdao
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/DataBrokerDAO/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/databrokerdao


Selasa, 08 Mei 2018

Skyllz - The Universal Proof-of-skill Protocol.


Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP)

The Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP) is a distributed and open-source skill validation protocol that enables users to validate and empower skills acquisition, allocation, contextualization and boosting freely within and across Skills Touchpoints Applications (STapps) such as e-learning platforms, networking platforms, portfolio platforms, offline education platforms or any other platform that want to benefit from and add value to the Skyllz ecosystem.

The protocol sets the standards to create a cross-platform ecosystem where users acquire, apply or improve a skill on any Skill Touchpoint application (STapp) built on top of it.

Users can validate their skills across STapps with Proof-of-Skill (Skyllz reputation) and finance their self-development with Skyllz Tokens.

SDP Architecture

Blockchain layer

Skyllz is built on top of the Ethereum Blockchain

Proof of Skills

Skyllz reputation. Non-tradeable. Assigned as validations of skills acquisition, allocation, contextualization or boosting.

SKT (Skyllz Tokens)

Exchangeable ERC-20 compliant tokens of fixed supply that enable users to participate and get validations of their skills on or across any application of the ecosystem


Open-source APIs that provide access to Skyllz Smart Contracts.

Application layer

Skills Touchpoint Applications (STapps) that add to and get value from the whole ecosystem

Skyllz Tokens (SKT)

The Skyllz Token (SKT), an ERC-20 compliant utility token (check Mougayar’s Roles, purpose & features analysis), enables users to access and transact on the SDP. They serve as a unit of account that enable users to participate and get validations of their skills on or across any application of the ecosystem.


Workkola helps digitally-skilled students showcase their talents, build their own Talent Brand and unlock amazing job opportunities. It helps companies scout and hire vetted talent.

Talent Branding ðŸ¤™

Talent Branding replaces resumes with a human-centred system of metrics, validations and endorsements based on hard & soft skills, attitude, values, and personalities. It helps trackoutstanding abilities and achievements through challenges posted by startups, scale-ups and innovative companies.





Founding Team ðŸ•º